An a contrario approach for the detection of patient-specific brain perfusion abnormalities with arterial spin labelling - Inserm - Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale
Article Dans Une Revue NeuroImage Année : 2016

An a contrario approach for the detection of patient-specific brain perfusion abnormalities with arterial spin labelling


In this paper, we introduce a new locally multivariate procedure to quantitatively extract voxel-wise patterns of abnormal perfusion in individual patients. This a contrario approach uses a multivariate metric from the computer vision community that is suitable to detect abnormalities even in the presence of closeby hypo- and hyper-perfusions. This method takes into account local information without applying Gaussian smoothing to the data. Furthermore, to improve on the standard a contrario approach, which assumes white noise, we introduce an updated a contrario approach that takes into account the spatial coherency of the noise in the probability estimation. Validation is undertaken on a dataset of 25 patients diagnosed with brain tumors and 61 healthy volunteers. We show how the a contrario approach outperforms the massively univariate General Linear Model usually employed for this type of analysis.
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inserm-01291748 , version 1 (29-03-2016)
inserm-01291748 , version 2 (07-04-2016)



Camille Maumet, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot. An a contrario approach for the detection of patient-specific brain perfusion abnormalities with arterial spin labelling. NeuroImage, 2016, 134, ⟨10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.054⟩. ⟨inserm-01291748v2⟩
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