Cost-effectiveness of adjuvant docetaxel for node-positive breast cancer patients: results of the PACS 01 economic study
Background: Using data from the PACS 01 randomized trial, we evaluated the cost-effectiveness of anthracyclines plus docetaxel (Taxotere; FEC-D) versus anthracyclines alone (FEC100) in patients with node-positive breast cancer. Patients and methods: Costs and outcomes were assessed in 1996 patients and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were estimated, using quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) as outcome. To deal with uncertainty due to sampling fluctuations, confidence regions around the ICERs were calculated and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves were drawn up. Sensitivity analyses were also carried out to assess the robustness of conclusions. Results: The mean cost of treatment was 33% higher with strategy FEC-D, but this difference decreased to 18% at a 5-year horizon. The ICER of FEC-D versus FEC100 was estimated to be 9665€ per QALY gained (95% confidence interval €2372-€55 515). The estimated probability that FEC-D was cost-effective reached >96% for a threshold of €50 000 per QALY gained. If the price of taxane decreased slightly, the ICER would reach some very reasonable levels and this strategy would therefore be much more cost-effective. Conclusion: The sequential use of FEC100 followed by docetaxel appears to be a cost-effective alternative, even when uncertainty is taken into account.