Functional effects of diphosphomimetic mutations at cAbl-mediated phosphorylation sites on Rad51 recombinase activity
Homologous Recombination enables faithful repair of the deleterious double strand breaks of DNA. This pathway relies on Rad51 to catalyze homologous DNA strand exchange. Rad51 is known to be phosphorylated in a sequential manner on Y315 and then on Y54, but the effect of such phosphorylation on Rad51 function remains poorly understood. We have developed a phosphomimetic model in order to study all the phosphorylation states. With the purified phosphomimetic proteins we performed in vitro assays to determine the activity of Rad51. Here we demonstrate the inhibitory effect of the double phosphomimetic mutant and suggest that it may be due to a defect in nucleofilament formation.