Les Fondements de l'Ethique de la Recherche en Droit Communautaire [The Foundation of Research Ethics in Community Law].
The creation of the European Community by the Treaty of Rome in 1957 marked the beginning of the efforts to coordinate and harmonize national policies in many strategic sectors with high economic value, among them several aspects of scientific research. The European Union Law, formerly known as European Community law, now includes a range of ethical principles that apply to research projects developed with the financial support of the European Union. Which were the steps in the integration of the ethics of sciences in the context of the Union? This article aims to study first, what were, and what are the legal bases of the integration of the ethical dimension of researches in life sciences by the European Union and, secondly, the institutional organisation that has been set up in order to discuss the development of common ethical norms, especially bioethics one, and in order to apply these rules which respect national particularities. In this regard, we analyse the relevant legal texts providing a foundation for the creation of a European bio-law and we give an overview of the European institutions' activity in the field of bioethics by looking particularly the health research field.