Muscular performances at the ankle joint in young and elderly men.
The effect of aging on mechanical and electromyographic characteristics of ankle joint muscles was investigated in 11 young (mean age 24 years) and 12 elderly (mean age 77 years) males. Maximal and submaximal isometric voluntary torques were measured during ankle plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. Electromyographic activities of triceps surae and tibialis anterior muscles were recorded. The elderly group developed equal maximal dorsiflexion torques (42 vs 45 N.m, p >.05), but in plantarflexion, the elderly group was weaker (80 vs 132 N.m, p <.001) and presented a decreased twitch amplitude (11 vs 16 N.m) and lower coactivation (8% vs 15%) than that of the young adults. We established a linear relationship between the percentage of coactivation and developed resultant torque. Our results showed that dorsiflexor muscles were not affected by aging, contrary to plantarflexors, in which the decline in torque was partly explained by changes intervening at the peripheral level.