Perceptions of MSM on targeted sexual healthcare about HPV vaccination: a French qualitative study
Abstract Background To improve the effectiveness of public health policies, HPV vaccination campaigns target “high-risk groups”, such as men who have sex with men (MSM). In France, HPV vaccination is recommended for MSM up to the age of 26, rather than 19 for the general population. It’s crucial to assess the impact of such targeting policies on MSM who are eligible for HPV vaccination. Methods A qualitative study was conducted between April and July 2022 among MSM participating in the “Vaccigay” electronic survey in France (Brosset et al. 2023). Participants were selected based on age and declared HPV vaccination status. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by telephone using a thematic grid on the barriers and facilitators influencing the uptake of the vaccine against HPV. The interviews lasted on average 40 minutes. The audio-recorded verbatims were transcribed and thematically analysed using NVivo software. Results A total of 22 viewpoints were analysed. Two opinions emerged without differences in terms of individuals’ profile. The reasons MSM advocated for targeted sexual healthcare stemmed from the recognition of epidemiological factors, as well as the need for greater listening and understanding from healthcare workers. MSM who didn’t support targeted sexual healthcare did so because they felt stigmatised and because sexual orientation might not always be clear. Among them, some advocated for sexual healthcare based on sexual practices rather than sexual orientation. Others emphasized the necessity of extending prevention tools for sexual risks existing for MSM to the general population. Conclusions The findings of this study prompt reflection on universal versus targeted public health policies, as well as sexual and gender discrimination within the healthcare system. We recommend improving healthcare workers’ education on sexual healthcare, and that HPV vaccination guidelines could be extended to all adults up to 26, regardless of their sexual orientation. Key messages • Improving knowledge among healthcare workers and MSM about HPV and sexual health is important. • It is important to extend the age for the HPV vaccination, regardless of sexual orientation.
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