Single-scan quantitative T2* methods with susceptibility artifact reduction.
Two imaging methods, MSSAVE (Multiple echo SubSlice AVEraging imaging), based on sub-slice averaging and MGESEPI (Multiple echo Gradient-Echo Slice-Excitation Profile Imaging), based on over-sampling in the slice direction, are proposed for single-scan quantitative T(2)* evaluation with susceptibility artifact compensation. Their potentials in terms of sensitivity, minimum performance time, susceptibility artifact reduction and T(2)* quantitation quality, were compared with existing single-scan methods such as classical FLASH two- or three-dimensional or z-shimmed methods both in vitro and in vivo in normal rat brain. MGESEPI offered good quality T(2)* maps nearly free of artifacts but required a long acquisition time. MSSAVE was faster, but at the expense of reduced artifact compensation and the achievable T(2)* quantitation quality.